Project M.I.S.T.E.R.™
Program Profile
The Breakfast Group adopted The Project M.I.S.T.E.R. Program™ (Male Involvement & Service To Encourage Responsibility) 33 years ago to provide intervention opportunities between successful African American adult males and “at risk” African American youth. The program was established in collaboration with Medina Children’s Services (now Amara) during its first 14 years. The Project M.I.S.T.E.R.™ Program is school-based and operates in Garfield, Franklin, Cleveland, and Rainier Beach. A Breakfast Group sponsored instructor is provided at each school sites to teach daily classes based on a curriculum entitled “Life Skills—Education, Employment, Personal Responsibility”, which was developed by The Breakfast Group.
The Approach. Encouragement.
Project M.I.S.T.E.R.™ is funded by a grant from the City of Seattle and is centered upon the idea that education is the cornerstone of success. We believe that with equitable educational opportunities, a person’s life circumstances can be impacted substantially. We have witnessed this success through our Project M.I.S.T.E.R.™ graduates. Some continue onto four-year Universities, some to vocational and technical schools, others to local community colleges. Whatever their school of choice, The Breakfast Group is stands by the students as a pillar of support.
Students are held to high standards and expected to be present and to actively participate in the course activities and curriculum. At the end of the year, and upon completion of the Project M.I.S.T.E.R.™ course, students are invited to attend the annual Tie-One-On Luncheon.
High schools served: Franklin, Garfield, Rainier Beach, and Cleveland
Breakfast Group members volunteer to conduct sessions once a week during the school year. Members are involved in providing guidance and sharing personal experiences as an example and motivational presence to the youth in the program.
A set curriculum is presented, with a wide range of subjects that include:
Goal Setting
Employment Preparation
Employment Application Completion
Interviewing Techniques
Resume Writing
Responsibilities of Fatherhood
Family/Financial Planning
Substance Abuse
Health Education
Impacts of Poor Choices
Education Planning
The Trades
In addition to Breakfast Group members, presenters have included representatives from major companies and organizations such as: Safeco, Costco, Nordstrom, McDonalds, Macy’s, Safeway, King County Sheriffs, the Seattle Downtown Association, and Turner Construction Company. Each year, several Project M.I.S.T.E.R.™ participants obtain opportunities for higher education and internships through this network.
Project M.I.S.T.E.R.™ students in class with instructor Terrance Proctor
Project MISTER Ancillary Programs
In addition to the Project M.I.S.T.E.R.™ classes, The Breakfast Group offers two signature programs to encourage students to stay on track with their education and life goals. One is our Tie-One-On Luncheon, a rite of passage experience that provides networking opportunities for students of color and other at-risk youth. Co-sponsored by Turner Construction and held at the Fairmont Olympic Hotel in Seattle, over 100 community leaders and corporate representatives commit to helping 75 to 90 high school students to navigate the job market and prepare for college. As part of the ceremony students receive a necktie, which is designed by participants in the Project M.I.S.T.E.R. Program™. Students are encouraged to meet as many mentors as possible, and to get business cards and maintain contact for leads on jobs and other assistance.
Another signature program is our All Achievers Awards/Scholarship Program, which each year awards scholarships to African-American youth and others at risk who have overcome obstacles and excelled at school and in the community. More than 75 students from the Seattle Public High Schools are recognized each year and more than 20 scholarships are awarded annually to 4-year and 2-year colleges, including technical or trade schools. Scholarships are awarded to graduating Project M.I.S.T.E.R.™ students as well as students from other high school campuses in Seattle. Scholarships range from $250 for books to over $4,000 for multi-year awards.
Featured Project M.I.S.T.E.R.™ alumni return each year as college students, college grads, or business owners to mentor and testify to both M.I.S.T.E.R.™ participants and supporters of the power of M.I.S.T.E.R.™ path to success.
Special Events with Project M.I.S.T.E.R.™ Students and Breakfast Group members include:
Our Tie Design Contest & Project M.I.S.T.E.R.™ Community Ties Marketing Program
Our Annual Seattle University Basketball Practice & Pizza with Players
Our Annual University of Washington Basketball Practice & Pizza with Local Community Kids
Our Annual University of Washington Husky Football Lunch & Practice with Players