Our Youth Need Your Support!
BG Donations
95% of all funds raised are used to support The Project M.I.S.T.E.R.™ Program and The All Achievers Awards. Each member of the Breakfast Group is required to donate a minimum of $350 annually to cover the administrative expenses of The Breakfast Group.
Member Dues QR Code
Key Programs and Signature Events:
Project M.I.S.T.E.R.™ - Male Involvement & Service To Encourage Responsibility
More than 2,455 students served
Group mentorship program – 70+ BG members representing 47 careers
Instructor led curriculum
+35 years program in existence
All Achievers Awards – Scholarship & Youth Recognition Event
More than $694,000 in scholarships
More than 2,285 students served
+28 years program in existence
Tie-One-On Luncheon – Motivational Speaker and Networking Event
More than 2,635 students served
+33 years event in existence
In addition to our extensive work with youth in the community, The Breakfast Group remains involved in several other critical areas of activity through its standing committees: Education, Program, Economic & Business Development, and others.
Beyond our Signature Events, The Breakfast Group maintains a number of programs and projects that are focused on assisting young men. Each are centered on our mission of providing leadership, community service and establishing community based partnerships. Examples of this work include:
Our Tie Design Contest & Project M.I.S.T.E.R.™ Community Ties Marketing Program
For fundraising related inquiries please contact: fundraising@thebreakfastgroup.org